I love makeup. Cheap or expensive, gaudy and bright or boring and subdued. I LOVE IT AND I WANT MORE! But what I don't want is orange and neither should you.
Let me repeat: Neither. Should. You.
If you go into a store and the makeup girl looks at you and says "OMG Bright orange is so your color!" immediately punch her in the face because she is LYING to you. The only woman that can pull off bright orange is not a woman- it's a pre-teen girl. And pre-teens are known for their ugliness. Do you want to be ugly and gawky again like you were as an adolescent? I didn't think so. So step away from that tube of Halloween Horror and pick up a wash cloth. Even this season's bright fuschia will be better than that.
Pinks, yellows, turquoise blues, all of these "new" and "bright crazy" colors I can handle. Orange is not one of them. I have never seen someone wearing any shade of pastel orange without feeling my tongue swell up and my throat close in an immediate allergic reaction to tackiness. There is one exception: Men. Men can wear bright oranges and look FABUUUULOUSSSSS. To you men that rock the orange, I salute you. But to the women- SHAME! SHAMEEEEEEE! A pox upon your household for thinking you could pull that off without looking like some 70 year old woman that mutters to herself and has a house covered in cats and doilies. Cats and doilies, that is your future.
This ban on orange also applies to your foundation and fake tanning solution. If you are any shade close to citrus fruit just before mold sets in, you need to scour your skin and hide away for a few months until the shame- and tanning product- fades. If your skin looks like that because you've been using a tanning bed, I'm sorry but there's not much hope for you. On the bright side, you'll probably die of skin cancer within five years. Oh, I guess that's a bright side for me, not you...
Sorry about that.
I MUST send you a photo of my Mom, in full Orange regalia. No fake tan... but you should see her hair.